Our Story
Who We Are
We are a group of individuals who practice and promote a holistic lifestyle. Through our personal experiences we have come to know that we are more than just a physical body having a physical experience here on earth, we are in truth spirits living one of our many lives in this current time and space.
In modern times where so much attention is given to material world, human spirit has been greatly neglected and more and more individuals experience physicals, emotional, and mental difficulties.
We are here to share our education, knowledge, and practical experiences to anyone who is interested in integrating spirituality into their daily living by getting in touch with their Higher Self and identifying their purpose for being here now.
To reach a higher level of consciousness where the individual heals their physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional bodies by changing their frequency and motivations for their highest good and the highest good of all.
We are living in a very interesting time; material sciences and technologies are at their peak, but none has been able to reduce human suffering. In fact, there are more physical, mental, and emotional disorders than any time in recorded history. We may experience periods of comfort, but the fear of a disaster looms over our heads.
Our work is dedicated to changing the future of our planet and the faith of our species by changing one person at a time, by introducing the Ego, which is the center of consciousness, to The Self, the buried treasure in human soul, the God within.